The site is finished! All the links are working, my girlfriend helped my with finding Q&A's out of interviews and I quickly made a link page.
So the beta version is up, if you have any comments to improve the site you can contact me:
Enjoy the site!
It can be seen at
21 dec 2007
-Finished Beta Version
20 dec 2007
-Putting up the pages together
Today I'm making the pages for the other sections, they're all different from sizes and content so it'll take alot of work.
The intro should start directly, and if you don;t want to see it I've made a button to skip the intro and you'll come on the home page directly.
At this time I made 5 pages and tested them in IE 6.0 and FireFox this all works just fine and I don't think that there will be alot of problems with other browers either.
18 dec 2007
What’s a site without news about the person where it’s about?
My girlfriend helped me with searching some latest news about Pink, I chose to have it simple and short so people will directly know what’s going on, and sometimes with a small picture to make it look attractive. Of course with the date above it to see if it’s old or new content.
Writing and listening, that's what I all did the last day’s fulltime working from 9 'til 3 in the morning.
The lyrics on the booklets or on the internet, are mostly wrong and totally missing out whole sentences that Pink sings. Those things make the songs stronger and understandable, that's why I wanted to write my own lyrics for the site. I'm glad I'm finally done because it took a lot of time(about a half an hour each song) but I think it was definitely worth it, though I'm sure everybody thinks I'm crazy by writing it into the last details.
16 dec 2007
-Video player
The video player is done, I wanted to keep it simple just like the other parts of the site and very functional.
I've had help with getting the video's in good quality and without logos or tags on it. The player automatically starts loading the .FLV video's in so it actually runs right away. I've made screenshots with the title from every single in the house style of my site, as a start to show people which single it is that they'll see when they press the play button.
8 dec 2007
A catchy intro to show people what the site is about.
I wanted to make a "small" intro, otherwise people might just click the whole site off and that's not what we want. So to make a catchy, original and still simple intro, I chose to use Pink's voice and her fans clapping and cheering for the sound underneath the intro. This has been edited in Soundbooth and been put together into After Effects. Even if people do not have their music on it still should be appealing to watch it. I tried this by using words scrolling over the screen that has to tell something about what you can expect from the website. Still I missed something to make it more flashy and moving. I played around with pink colored lines and used the same quiet background as in the banner.
This all should do the trick for what I wanted to reach, it's not TOO busy and very attractive.
6 dec 2007
-Homepage and biography
Finally! The homepage of Pinkssite is made and the biography is written.
There is one page totally filled in and working, the main page. Now I have to find out how to make the menu and the other pages work best, since I want the music player to stay underneath the menu on every page.
The biography is one of those other pages and is totally handwritten and not stolen content from another site. This was a lot of work writing it since Pink did so much the past seven years. I wanted to keep the important information in it as short as possible and still keep it interesting and easy to read.
2 dec 2007
-Calendar and a music player
Yes finally done! I've made a calendar and a music player, with both of them I was struggling with "small" bugs that didn't wanted to be seen. Any other way they both work now and I solved them on my own.
For the calendar I had to make a list of events what pink all did the last seven years, this was a lot of work to find this all out, days fulltime working on this and our lady has been very busy in those seven years. Now the list I made contains her tours, supporting tours, special events, award shows, album/single releases and off course her own birthday. You can also search for an event because I've made a search function in this calendar so you can search for an event. Next to this calendar I made a smaller one for under the main page.
I wanted to keep the music player rather simple. You can hear her singles with a picture of the album and I want to keep this small player on every page of the site.