Just a message to let you all know what I did last 1,5 week.
I worked the first three days of my “Autumn vacation” and took the last two days off to celebrate my mum’s birthday which ended up staying in the hospital with my granny whole day because things got really bad with her. The doctors found out that there were a lot of things wrong with her and she passed away the next day on Friday 19 October 2007, RIP.
We had to arrange a lot of things for the cremation and I wanted to make the invitation cards and an advertisement in the local newspaper "Tubantia". She loved to puzzle that’s why there are squares in the heart.
This is the invitation card:This is the advertisement in the newspaper from last Friday:
I was stuck on my project with putting things together and I totally wasn't focused on it anyways but I want to start again tomorrow to actually build the site, if my teacher is there to help me.
28 okt 2007
-Last 1,5 week
12 okt 2007
-Banner logo
Finally, my banner is done and it came out even more gorgeous than I thought it would be.
I wanted to make the logo in 3D which I did and let pink colored light shine behind it. I made the banner "alive" in After Effects with help from a few plug-ins. I tested the plug-ins a lot and didn’t want to make the banner too busy.
4 okt 2007
-3D logo
1 okt 2007
-Final Interface
After a lot of different styles, experiments I finally came up with the last and final interface.
The only thing what should change of this interface is the logo in the banner what should be made in 3D and come back in the intro. I choose for a nice beautiful/female font for the menu and submenu's and "Verdana" for the content so everyone can see that if I load it in externally. The menu went back to the kind of chaotic/play fuller one and I turned it into pink. I also finally get rid of the 9 pictures on the right side simply because it's not necessary on the main page and now there's more space for the latest news. As you can see I combined all the styles in this one, the music player stays on every page so I wanted to let it stand out a bit more.
I am totally satisfied with the end result and I don't want to change a thing anymore.
So watch here my last and final interface: